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Brace Yourselves! May 31, 2007

Posted by Winter in media, misogyny.

Via Louise Livesey at The FWord.

It looks like Big Brother is set to be more of a misogyny fest than ever before.

BB returned in the form of a giant hen party last night when producers unveiled an all-female cast in an attempt to revive the tarnished brand. The producers want “flirtation” to replace bullying as the theme of the 14-week series. But it was unclear initially how this will be achieved as 11 women trooped into the house. A “hunky” male will reportedly be introduced tomorrow night, with more men replacing the women as the series continues.

So it was “unclear initially how this will be achieved as 11 women trooped into the house”?

Really? Oh, don’t be so coy. I think we all know what to expect and what kind of “performances” will be expected of the women in the house.

Check out the Sun website for a taster of the sort of media coverage we can look forward to from the Tabloids. Apparently, they’ve been busy categorising the women as “beauties” and “beasts” today.