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Bristol Feminist Discussion Group September 29, 2007

Posted by Winter in activism, feminist theory, local stuff.
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Our feminist friend Sal is setting up a discussion group in Bristol.

There is no official description yet as the aims and objectives will be decided collectively at the first meeting. However, the initial idea behind the group is to create a safe and open space for feminists to discuss what they feel is important. The group is open to men and women. Members do not have to define themsleves as feminist, but should have an interest in feminist issues/gender politics. Hopefully once the group is up and running it will also include activism as one of its main principles.

The first meeting will be held next week on Thursday 4th October from 7-9pm at Cafe Kino on Nine Tree Hill, Stokes Croft, Bristol. Please spread the word

Email: bristolfeministgroup(AT)hotmail(DOT)co(DOT)uk